Dina Ashry
Dina Ashry is an ambitious young lady who loved makeup since her first years in life. She began by watching professional makeup artists works and tutorials to learn from her role models. Day after day she began practicing, she got inspired by the famous Camila Coelho, a famous brazilian makeup artist known by her great work. She then took multiple courses in order to increase her knowledge and to advance in the makeup career. Two courses, one with Heba EL Kaissy and another one at Make Up For Ever Academy in Paris as well as witnessing Samer Khouzami's dream tour gave her much more experience and know-hows that helped her in her career afterwards. Being so passionate about something and trying hard to accumulate more skills made Dina Ashry what she is today. Giving the fact that you never give up learning until you reach the summit, Dina is still developing day after the other and has become nowadays one of the elite makeup artists in Egypt.


"Dina Ashry The Shop" is the first makeup website in Egypt where you can find all the makeup you need and buy it immediately.

Our Mission: is to give the woman the tips to feel the beauty in her and to be confident of herself.
Our Vision: is to be the number one makeup platform in the world and the beauty reference for every lady.
The shop Vision: To reach this level, "if you want to buy makeup, dinaashry.com pop on your mind first".
dinaashry.com Mission and Vision